
Showing posts from February, 2011

Microchip Telnet Server fixes

I've been implementing a Telnet server on our products using the Microchip TCP/IP stack on a PIC18F87J50. Following are some useful notes! - The TCP/IP stack does not like being interrupted, especially by the USB stack if you have both of them compiled in together. I suggest you get your telnet working fully first before putting USB in place... I found issues with Stack overflows, processor lockup and lost Telnet data when using both at the same time! - If Telnet works but the socked does not disconnect properly when closed by the remote client, check you have initialised the Tick(TCP/IP timing) functions and have it correctly called in the interrupt routines! - Microchip have not bothered to implement Telnet properly. On connection a Telnet connection sends a bunch of options back and forwards to work out what each side can do. The Microchip example ignores these so you get 'junk' data on connection. HyperTerminal on windows sends 6 bytes of settings which the Microchip...